Finding the courage to try again Part I



Two pregnancies!!  I will never forget that unbelievable day.  I can’t recall the doctor’s name or his face but his words will always be with me.  “Did the nurse tell you about the pregnancies? You are pregnant with twins.”  I was in such shock that I did not know whether I should be excited, scared or both.  I called my husband and he thought I was joking.  Believe me at that moment I was definitely not in the mood for jokes.  I remember calling my mom and my friends on the ride home because I just could not believe how God had come through. Yep, he was rewarding us and giving us “double for our trouble”, so we thought anyway.

My husband and I had been trying to get pregnant for a few years and our hopes had continuously been shattered with negative pregnancy test after negative pregnancy test due to my diagnosis with polycystic ovarian syndrome. Although I had a strong faith in God I experienced many low moments in my struggle with infertility and now it was all over.  I had finally been able to conceive and we were blessed with not only one miracle but two.  Wow, I felt like my tears were not in vain and my devastating struggle was finally ending.  I had no idea that the true pain was yet before me.

The entire pregnancy with our twin girls was filled with ups and downs. We would receive disturbing news about the pregnancy and then we would later get reports of hope.  Throughout the entire time I was carrying, KJ and I both kept the faith and we believed that our baby girls were going to arrive into this world alive and healthy regardless of the odds.  When September 22, 2010 arrived things had taken a horrible turn.  The day before I had gone into preterm labor despite the fact that I had been given an emergency cerclage a month earlier to prevent that very thing.  I will never forget going for a routine doctor’s appointment on August 18, 2010 only to be told that I would not only need emergency surgery but to also eventually be told that I would not be released until my babies were born.  I was only 18 weeks pregnant at the time.

That day in September yet again brought about words that I will never forget, “You have an infection in your uterus. We have to deliver your babies today.”  That was truly a blow that neither one of us were prepared for.  That explained the fever I had for almost a week, the vomiting and the chills.  The doctor made it very clear that my baby girls were dying and so was I.  Their organs were already infected and the only option was to deliver.  There was no way either one of us would survive if I didn’t.  Unfortunately that day I witnessed the stillbirth of both of my baby girls.

How could this be? How could such a miraculous time in our lives turn into something so horrible and devastating?  What had I done wrong as the woman?  Did I not eat enough?  Had I made God mad?  Was my body cursed in some way?  All of these were questions that I dealt with for months after we buried our baby girls.  I cannot explain the hurt and feelings of failure I personally dealt with as the mother who could not protect her babies.  How could I go to a routine doctor’s appointment feeling my babies move and come out a month later preparing for a double funeral?  How could I make it out alive and my baby girls die?  After such a traumatic end how would I ever find the courage to try again?


Be Intentional


I love the song “Intentional” By Travis Greene. Whenever I listen to it, I begin to think about how special I am to God and how he truly has great intentions for me.  When we do things intentionally we are doing them on purpose.  God intentionally sent Jesus to die for us and he intentionally gives us the ability, desire, vision and resources to prosper.  God does not intend for us to live below what He can accomplish within us and through us.

It is time for us to be intentional about the decisions and moves we make in life.  We should be intentionally walking in the visions and dreams that God has graciously blessed us with.  We should be intentionally serving, giving and helping others as we receive.  Since we have been created in the image of God we must intentionally begin to see ourselves as successful because God is not a failure.  It is the time to intentionally start walking in the great destiny that we were designed to reach.

Let us all intentionally focus our attention on those ideas that we have tucked away.  Let’s intentionally stop talking ourselves out of taking a risk.  Let’s intentionally stop procrastinating when it comes to our visions and dreams.  Let’s intentionally work harder at accomplishing what seems impossible for us.  Let’s intentionally overcome any area of laziness that has caused us to miss opportunities to prosper.  Let’s intentionally begin to motivate ourselves to reach our goals while also encouraging others.  Now is the time to do it!  Today is the day to start being intentional!


“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.”  Proverbs 3:5-6




Dare To Be Inspired




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Dare To Be Inspired




Black Women's Lifestyle Guide | Fashion, Parenting, Entertainment News, Sex & Relationships, & Health

Call Me Kinky

Natural Hair and Other Kinky Stuff

Waiting for Baby Bird Ministries

infertility, miscarriage and pregnancy loss