If Only…


If only someone would see them for whom they could become.  If only someone would understand the pain, abuse and neglect they’ve been through and how it has affected them.  If only someone would care to prove that regardless of their behaviors, emotional outburst and hurtful words that they are still capable of being loved.  The ones they depended on the most failed to provide them with the love, safety and security that they not only needed but deserved.  This is often times why they may be withdrawn and somewhat reserved.  They move from place to place due to different reasons, some which they have caused on their own.  Deep down inside many still have a deep longing, to have a place where they can call home.

They often hide what they truly feel because rejection, confusion and fear have become a common place. Some things they have no idea how to express and it is often shown in other ways.  If only someone would dare to take the chance to see their inner beauty, their potential and their worth.  If only someone would realize that the outside appearance is not all that is truly there.  If only someone would say, maybe I can do it, without regards to blood relation.  If only someone would realize that changing one life leads to many.  If only someone would understand that they are needed to make a difference today, tomorrow and forever more.

Kids and Candy


 The Call to Help Make a Difference

In the United States there are over 400, 000 of our children in foster care. It is no secret that our child welfare system is broken due to low funding, over worked but underpaid social workers, a lack of foster care/adoptive homes and the need for policy reform.  Many of these youth have been in several different foster homes and over 100,000 are waiting to be adopted.  While we must be upfront that the situation will be challenging as these children are victims of neglect, physical, mental, emotional and sexual abuse, however, they are still children in need.  They are in need of someone who is willing to give them a chance at unconditional love which is something many of them may not know.

I would like to encourage anyone who has thought about fostering and or adoption to continue considering the opportunity.  Yes, it is an opportunity, an opportunity to show unconditional love to a child in need.  An opportunity to help provide a child with the morals, values and life skills needed to be a productive member of society.  An opportunity to teach, motivate and encourage a child to give life all they have because they have the potential to succeed just as any other child does.   Although it may not be an easy task, the impact that you will make on the lives of those children will be one of the most rewarding experiences.  They need me, they need you, they need us!


Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.” James 1:27 (NKJV)


We Must Choose To See


This past Thursday while sitting in bible study, the Apostle of the church we attend said something that really made me think he said “you have to see it”.  This is actually something that he has said on multiple occasions, however, this time that saying caused a different effect then it had in the past.  This time I was encouraged to start seeing my dreams manifest in mind even before they actually come to past.  For example, although I only have a few blog followers I have begun seeing myself as a professional blogger (writer) with multiple followers.  I now see myself with several books that are best sellers although I haven’t finished writing my first one.

God has given us all dreams and desires. Deep down on the inside of us there is something that we have been given that can pave the way for us to go from just having what we need to having an abundance of what we need as well as things that we desire.  God has placed something powerful on the inside of us that can change our lives greatly; however, we must choose to see it!

We must begin to visualize ourselves walking in greater things.  It is time that we stop just dreaming and begin visualizing, planning and moving.  We have the potential to make more money, achieve unimaginable success and make an impact on our communities.  All of us carry something on the inside of us that can help transition us to the position of employers instead of employees but we must choose to see it.

When people say that life is choice driven this is the truth. It is a choice to accept and expect greater levels of success in your lives.  Although each one of us have the ability not everyone will make a choice to reach for more.  Not everyone will choose to see themselves reaching what seems to be unreachable.  I encourage everyone to see yourselves in higher positions on your job, as the owners of the business and not just working for the business.  See yourself with your own franchise, chain or brand name.  We often times settle because we choose to.  Start now choosing to see yourself where you want to eventually be and in time it will surely manifest.  We must choose to see!


Why I as a Christian Choose to Celebrate Holidays


With the holiday season finally in swing and the continued expansion of social media, I have seen many posts and opinions concerning the reasons why Americans, Christians and Blacks should not celebrate holidays.  I decided to mildly address this issue, since I fall into all three categories, in hopes to helping some open minded people (not everyone will be) understand why I personally choose to celebrate holidays.  Before I begin I would like to ensure that everyone understands that I am only expressing my personal views and I am in no way speaking against anyone in a negative way.  I believe that everyone has a right to their opinions and that we as a people must learn to respect the thoughts of those who do not feel as we do.

There is a misunderstanding that a lot of us who choose to celebrate holidays are ignorant to our history as well as the word of God.  In no way are we in the dark when it comes to how this land was obtained.  We do understand that the Native Americans were mistreated and that what was once theirs was stolen including a number of their lives.  This is why many of the Native Americans honor the “National Day of Mourning” on Thanksgiving Day.  However, in addition to remembering their ancestors who were mistreated, many of them also choose to celebrate Thanksgiving as their ancestors had done many years prior to the arrival of the pilgrims.

In today’s time many people, including myself, choose to celebrate Thanksgiving because we are grateful for what we have and in some cases for what we don’t have today.  It is a time that we set aside to say Thanks to God for His unfailing love and His constant grace.  Thanksgiving is a day that we choose to reinforce the love that we have for our families and friends and to cherish the ones that are still with us.  Don’t get me wrong, I completely understand that we should do this every day and it is not that we don’t but Thanksgiving is simply a reminder that we should.  The true story of the origin of Thanksgiving will never be forgotten.  At the same time the desire to give thanks for what we have on today still strongly exists.

The celebration of Christmas is truly a huge debate for some reason.  As a Christian I could never imagine myself not honoring the birth of my one and only savior.  I personally would have an issue with celebrating every other birthday such as mine and/or my children but failing to recognize the birth of my savior.  The birth of Jesus was a turning point in my life.  I choose to celebrate that day because I understand that without His birth I would still be lost.  Without His birth I would not be reconciled to God who is the creator of all.  While I do completely understand that December 25th may not be Christ’s actual birthday it is the day that has been set aside to honor the fact that he was born.

The holiday season between November and January is a time that brings families together.  It is a time of tradition making, joy and laughter.  During this time many people take notice of those who are less fortunate as well as those who are lonely and they decide to give while lending a helping hand.  While depression does increase during this season so does love.  Many hearts are turned towards those who are hurting and distressed and there is an overwhelming feeling to meet the needs of those who lack.  For some reason people are more open to good deeds during the holidays. I as a Christian choose to celebrate holidays because regardless of how much negativity is in the world the holiday season provides an even greater opportunity to remember and show the love of Christ.


Dare To Be Inspired




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"All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work." 2 Timothy 3:16-17


Dare To Be Inspired




Black Women's Lifestyle Guide | Fashion, Parenting, Entertainment News, Sex & Relationships, & Health

Call Me Kinky

Natural Hair and Other Kinky Stuff

Waiting for Baby Bird Ministries

infertility, miscarriage and pregnancy loss